Fine motor skills.
Fine motor skills is the coordination and use of small muscles in the fingers, hand & wrist. Fine motor movement requires preicision and manual dexterity in coordination with the eyes. Some examples of fine motor movements include grasping a pencil, writing, buttoning/zipping your pants, and feeding yourself.
Reflex integration.
Primitive reflexes are involuntary adaptive responses that originate in the brainstem for survival. Reflex integration is supposed to occur as the brain matures because they are no longer necessary but often reflexes are not integrated due to various reasons. Integration is key for mobility, managing emotions, and learning.
Visual motor skills.
Visual motor integration is the ability to interpret visual information, understand where your body is in space and respond with a motor action. This involves visual perception, motor control, motor planning and hand eye coordination. Examples include catching a ball, cutting out shapes, and placing pegs into a pegboard.
Feeding is a common problem for children—including difficulty chewing or swallowing, extreme pickiness or a limited number of accepted foods, aversions like coughing or gagging to certain temperatures or textures, and difficulty with mealtimes. Feeding involves oral motor skills, sensory skills, and overall muscle strength.